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Curriculum Statement

PSHE Curriculum Statement



Personal, Social & Health Education at

St katherine’s Church of England Primary




St Katherine’s provides a safe, happy and vibrant Christian learning environment, where pupils develop respect, a deeper understanding of right and wrong, independence and the ability to make informed choices. PSHE education enables pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage many of the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face as they grow up and in adulthood.

Pupils learn how to care for themselves and are prepared for life beyond Primary School. Pupils are given opportunities to understand relationships, ensuring they are able to develop the knowledge and skills to confidently make safe decisions and have an understanding about changes in their emotional and physical development as they mature.     




By teaching pupils to stay safe and healthy, and by building self-esteem, resilience and empathy, the school’s PSHE programme (PSHE Association and The Christopher Winter Projects resource – ‘Teaching SRE with Confidence in Primary Schools’) enables pupils to tackle barriers to learning, raise aspirations and improve the life chances of all pupils.

A range of teaching strategies and learning styles will be used in delivering the PSHE curriculum. These will include:


  • Circle time and class discussion
  • Role-play and drama
  • Visits and visitors when appropriate
  • Group and individual work
  • Whole school, key stage and class assemblies will provide extra opportunities to enhance pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, promoting our school’s values and celebrating achievement.


PSHE will also be taught within other subject areas and as part of the creative curriculum through class topics.

PSHE will be addressed on a daily basis as questions and incidents arise.  At times, teachers may choose to hold a circle-time session in response to a particular event or issue.


Please see an example of PSHE coverage during an academic year:


Core Theme 1:

Health and Wellbeing

Core Theme 2: Relationships

Core Theme 3:

Living in the Wider World

Healthy Lifestyles Keeping Safe

Growing and Changing

Healthy Relationships Feelings and Emotions

Valuing Difference

Rights and Responsibilities

Taking Care of the Environment







Following the implementation of the broad and balanced PSHE curriculum, pupils will leave St Katherine’s with the knowledge, understanding and skills to be respectful, independent, responsible and confident members of society.

They will be equipped with tools to maintain healthy and positive lifestyles with regard to relationships, diet and their own personal identity.

