Learning Through Play
Learning through play underpins everything that we do at St Katherine’s Nursery. Young children learn best from activities and experiences that interest and inspire them to learn. We do this by providing them with an environment where they can access quality play resources independently throughout the session. Our children are able to practice skills and build upon prior learning at their own level and pace, with the help of our experienced staff. Play gives our children the opportunity to pursue their own interests, inspire those around them and consolidate their understanding and skills. The children learn to adapt, negotiate, communicate, discuss, investigate, take risks and ask questions through their play. Their learning is so much fun that they are always striving to learn more.
Outdoor play is equally as important as inside play and at St Katherine’s we are lucky to have an amazing outside area for our children to explore. It is a place where children can choose, create, take risks and experience nature. All children have free flow access to the outside area daily and we use it in all weathers. The children are able to explore and experiment on a larger scale outside and enjoy greater freedom and movement. They can interact with the natural world, helping them to develop a sense of awe, wonder and respect for our wonderful natural world.
"Play is the work
of the child"
Maria Montesorri