Parents as Partners
At St Katherine’s Nursery we know how important parents and carers are in the development of children and want to work in partnership with you to support your child's learning.
We do this in a number of ways:
We will start getting to know you and your child through visits before your child starts at Nursery and through a home visit in September.
Regular Conversations
Chatting together on a regular basis when you are dropping off or collecting your child is very important. We use the information that you share to ensure that we are supporting your child’s needs and interests while they are at Nursery.
Please remember we are always available on the phone, Tapestry or via email if you need to share any information with us. We can also make appointments if you want to discuss anything in detail.
Focus Child Sheet
The week before your child is a ‘Focus Child’ in Nursery we will send home a form for you to fill in about their interests at home and special events that you have planned. It is a great way for us to know more about what your child does outside Nursery. It helps to inform our planning so that we can include their interests and the things that are important to them.
We use our website as an important form of communication as this is an effective and environmentally friendly way of keeping in touch. Please make sure you check regularly.
Learning Journeys
We hope that you enjoy looking through your child’s online Learning. Remember to add special things that your child has done at home too. We love to see all of the exciting things that you do together.
Parent Consultations
There will be an opportunity in the autumn and spring term to make an appointment to speak to us about your child. You will also receive an end of year report in July.
Family Days
Throughout the year parents and family members are invited to come into the Nursery and spend time with their children on special days – Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Easter Celebrations. We will also have ‘Stay and Play’ session throughout the year.