The internet is great....games, chat rooms, finding out information! We want you to be completely safe when using the internet so that you enjoy and use it properly. Safety on the internet is called E-safety - the E stands for Electronic!
Stop, Speak, Support - Cyberbullying guidance for children
New code helps children tackle cyberbullying - Created by young people for young people, the code offers simple steps to take positive action to deal with cyberbullying.
E-Safety Top Tips for Parents
- Keep the computer in a family area not in the child's bedroom.
- Use 'child lock' or filter settings on your Web browser to help prevent unsuitable site access by your child.
- Regularly supervise the sites your child is visiting.
- Encourage your child to use their Favourites list to access the sites you have approved to prevent accidental entry to unsuitable sites.
- Discourage your child from using social Networking sites to keep them safe from cyber bullying.
- Teach your child to switch the monitor off or close the laptop lid, then fetch or tell you if something unsuitable appears on the screen. This is what we do in school.
- Agree with older children what sites they are allowed to access.
- Keep all personal details private and be aware of stranger danger.
- Above all, encourage your child to talk to you about the web sites and electronic devices they are using at home and school.
There are some things to remember when you are browsing the internet.
- Treat your password like your toothbrush - keep it to yourself!
- Keep your home address, your phone number or email address off the internet, MSN and chat rooms.
- Learn to report someone who is behaving badly.
- Save the evidence - learn to save emails or on-line conversations.
- Don't retaliate or reply.
- Always respect others - think carefully about what you are typing.
- Tell someone you trust if you see something that worries or upsets you.
- Remember what you have learned in school - use that at home.
Safety Net Parent Guide
National Online Safety Guides for Parents and Carers
National Online Safety App
Take a look at this AMAZING FREE app from @natonlinesafety.
Packed with the latest #OnlineSafety guides, it will empower you to keep children safe in the online world! Raising hands Download today by visiting or clicking on the image below >> https://hubs.ly/H0YpFLs0
Internet Legends - Parents' Page
Skips Safety Net Parent Guides
Think U Know - Parents' & Carers' Guide
CEOP - Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre
Ultimate Parent Guide for Child Internet Safety
Parent Info Advice & support for parents in managing online safety for children
ThinkUKnow Resources to keep children safe both online and offline
If you would like to report abuse online or would like further advice and support, click on the links below:
If you are worried about anything that happens online then you can talk to any of your trusted adults at school. Parents/Carers are also welcome to get in touch with any member of staff if you would like advice or support.