Who's Who
Meet the staff at our school!
Mrs Anne-Marie Taylor - Headteacher
Mrs Paula Everest - Deputy Headteacher
Teaching Team
Mrs Julia Still - Nursery Class Teacher
Mrs Gemma Hargis / Mrs Paula Everest - Reception Class Teacher
Miss Rhiannan Crace - Year 1 Class Teacher
Mrs Caroline Brown - Year 2 Class Teacher
Mrs Rebecca Kemp - Year 3 Class Teacher
Mrs Nicki Jennings / Mrs Paula Everest - Year 4 Class Teacher
Mrs Gemma Hopes / Mrs Paula Everest - Year 5 Class Teachers
Mrs Cheryl Pankhurst - Year 6 Class Teacher
Mrs Caroline Brown - SENDCo
Support teachers & Lunchtime teacher team
Mrs Ruth Barnard - Nursery Nurse
Mrs Kellyann Dilliway - Support teacher / HLTA
Mrs Nicola Morley - Support teacher / Cover Supervisor
Mrs Julie Hardy - Support teacher
Mrs Lilibeth Sandoval - Support teacher
Miss Molly Thorpe - Support teacher
Mr Matthew Castell - Support teacher
Miss Lauren Oakley - Support teacher
Mrs Jane McCann - Support teacher / Lunchtime teacher
Mrs Claire Watson - Support teacher / Lunchtime teacher
Mrs Tracey Yeo - Support teacher / Lunchtime teacher
Mrs Kerry Miles - Support teacher / Lunchtime teacher
Ms Nicola Tyler - Support teacher / Lunchtime teacher
Miss Samantha Oldfield - Support teacher / Lunchtime teacher
Mrs Kathryn Freshwater - Support teacher / Lunchtime teacher
Mrs Shelley Godier - Support teacher / Lunchtime teacher
Mrs Brenda Rowe - Senior Lunchtime teacher
Mrs Lesley Duffield - Lunchtime teacher
Miss Danielle Goller - Lunchtime teacher
Mrs Georgia Lewis - Lunchtime teacher
Mrs Susan Murdoch - Lunchtime teacher
Miss Samantha Oldfield - Lunchtime teacher
Ms Elena Princiotto - Lunchtime teacher
Ms Nicola Tyler - Lunchtime teacher
Mrs Karen Dennington - Lunchtime teacher
Admin Team
Mrs Nicola Morley - Office Manager
Mrs Denise Cleaver - Finance Officer
Mrs Joanne Moore - Pupil Administrator
Mrs Olivia Bass - Admin Assistant
Mrs Brenda Rowe - Admin Assistant
Kitchen, Caretaker and Cleaning Team
Mr Dave Ryley - Caretaker
Mrs Clare Barker - School Cook & Cleaner
Ms Claire Garland - Assistant Cook & Cleaner
Mrs Debbie Stevens - Kitchen Assistant