Maths links and games
Too many frogs Counting to 10
Number Bonds Press The Button Maths Game Select number bonds from 5 to 50, addition and subtraction
Place value basketball Supports a child's understanding of place value, partitioning and number.
Number bonds game Please make sure to click on the game and select number bonds.
100 square splat Can be used for addition, counting, counting in steps, subtraction, number recognition and so on.
Number bonds to 10 Information, games and worksheets.
Number bonds to 10 Information, games and worksheets.
Telling the time - o'clock A great game for recognising o'clock times.
Beanstalk Height Ordering Interactive Games Can you help this boy plant these beanstalks in order of how tall they are? Choose your difficulty from easy, medium, or hard and get planting!
2D Shape matching Select your difficulty and match the shapes. Challenge - can you name them?
Piggy bank money game Count the money in the piggy bank, select the correct amount to earn a point.