Eco Warriors
Our Eco warriors will be rising to the challenge of representing St. Katherine's Primary school and looking after the environment around us.
We have an Eco Warrior team which comprises of representatives who applied for the role. The team will meet every Thursday to discuss current issues.
Meet the team

10 topics
As a team with the help from the whole school, we are going to be focusing on these 10 topics:
Maintaining a high level of plant, insect and animal life locally and globally.
Reducing energy use and investigating greener energy sources.
Global Citizenship
Taking an active role in your community and making our planet more peaceful, sustainable and fair.
Healthy living
Addressing your, and our planet’s health. These two issues are intrinsically linked!
Reducing litter, which harms wildlife and costs millions to clear every year.
Protecting and conserving water-based ecosystems.
School grounds
Improving School Grounds for students, staff, plants, insects and animals.
Promoting and Encouraging Sustainable Transport.
Refusing, reducing, reusing, repairing, recycling.
Valuing and preserving our most important natural resource.
Take a look at the Eco-Schools' website for more information:
Our current focus is: Energy
Take a look at the PowerPoint we made and presented to the whole school to explain the importance of turning off lights.