Daily news at St Katherine's
School Council Election Day at St Katherine's. A process that is taken very seriously by all children! Good luck to all prospective candidates.

Following last week's newsletter challenge, the first application has been sent off to Blue Peter for a special book badge! Well done to Dakota 📚📖⭐️ Let's see how many more we can get!
We welcome you to our school tours for prospective parents where you will be welcomed by the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and most importantly the children of St Katherine's. Tour dates: Tuesday 8th October 2024 at 9.15am, Tuesday 19th November 2024 at 1.30pm and Tuesday 14th January 2025 at 9.15am. No need to book, you can just turn up.
A celebration fundraising day today for 'Jeans for Genes' day.

Pupils from Year 2 attended the Team Games festival at Deanes School last week. They worked so hard, competing against other schools and managed to come third place overall! Well done children!
St Katherine's were visited by RockSteady in the second week of being back at school and treated to an amazing assembly and workshops. Band sessions have now begun and we look forward to hearing more from our very own St Katherine's School of Rock! Videos can be found on our Video Resource Centre!

Our Year 6 children were fantastic helpers to our Reception children during their transition into Reception life.

St Katherine's Heritage Day was a huge success. We all learnt so much about each other and even got to try some very tasty traditional foods. A huge thank you to parents for enabling this to happen.

Well done to our gardening club for growing such delicious tomatoes that were enjoyed by the children at lunchtimes!

Welcome back to the new school year at St Katherine's. We have had a very busy first few weeks. Children from Year 2, 3 and 4 visited Wat Tyler park for their team building activities, as always enjoyed by all.

Well done to Emily, Max and Oscar for winning the reading raffle from the last term. Enjoy spending your reading voucher on a book of your choice!
Our morning Year 6 Leavers assembly. Always an emotional moment for children, parents and staff. A special congratulations to Annabelle and Tommy who won the Fred Jeary English Award for their super achievements in English this year. We bid a fond farewell to those families whose time at St Katherine's has come to the end of an era and wish you all the best for the future

Yesterday, we celebrated our Year 6 children in style for their celebration day with a morning Bangra workshop and Holi colour festival and then in the afternoon, children enjoyed an inflatable / sports afternoon. Thank you to all parents who were able to come and join in with the colour festival, we hope you enjoyed it (it looked like you did!). First upload of photos and videos can be found in our Video Resource Centre!

Year 6 performed their production to their parents last week and wow...they were excellent! A super performance from every single child!

Thank you to Carter for playing us into assembly. A very talented musician!
Year 1 and 6 enjoyed planting seeds on the field together...

Our youngest of St Katherine's pupils performed their assembly to parents and the whole school, delivering their songs with such confidence. They make us all very proud!

One of our ex-St Katherine's pupils, Jessica Moore, returned last Friday to carry out a DNA workshop with our Year 6 pupils. Jessica is now a Genetic Research Scientist and works for Illumina. The children had a fascinating morning led by Jessica which has hopefully inspired some scientists of the future!
Well done to all Key Stage 2 children who took part in Canvey Districts Sports. Children achieved first place in field events and second place in track events!

House team winners and their treat of a film afternoon. Well done to St Peter's team!

Year 6 STEM workshop

Father's Day picnic lunch. A lovely hotdog lunch and some games on the field.

Spring and Summer term Christian Vision winners and their treat!

Our Summer Term Open Evening for current and prospective parents. The work displayed in each class was a reflection of the hard work that goes on throughout the year!

Our Reception pupils performed their assembly so well to their parents and the rest of the school. Well done children!

Our School Council presented to Governors on their achievements this year. Children spoke superbly and have had excellent impact on moving St Katherine's forward this year - well done children!